(Ilarion Law and Order Authority) Security Service
The Role and Regulation of the ILOA Institution on the ILARION Spaceship
The Ilarion Law and Order Authority (ILOA) is the main pillar of security, public order and law enforcement on the Ilarion, operating under the Ilarion Passenger Group (IPG) mandate. Its primary role is to ensure a safe and stable environment based on mutual trust, legislative transparency and respect for intergalactic norms.
Through its specialized departments, the ILOA is organically integrated into the operation of every major institution on the Ilarion ship, excluding the Ilarion Presidential College (IPC), the Ilarion Elite Academy (IEA) and the Kerion Bank. The institution takes responsibility for the elimination of any form of legislative abuse, fraud, corruption or breaches of public order.
The ILOA conducts autonomous activities and inter-agency operations, with a structure and regulations inspired by the advanced organizational models of the CIA and the US Pentagon, adapted to the specifics and complexities of Ilarion.
Chapter I - General Provisions
Article 1.
(1) The ILOA is the supreme authority for security, public order and law enforcement on the Ilarion and is directly subordinate to the Executive Council of the Ilarion Presidential College (IPC).
(2) The ILOA shall conduct its activities in full compliance with local laws, rules established by the IPC Boards, and internal regulations.
Article 2. (Strategic objectives)
(1) To prevent and investigate acts of a criminal nature or against public security.
(2) Monitor and ensure compliance of all institutions and residents with ship specific legislation.
(3) Enhance a safe social environment by eliminating any internal or external risks that may affect the stability of the ship or its residents.
(4) Protect the technological, social-cultural and biological heritage of the vessel.
Article 3. (Fundamental principles)
(1) Legality - All actions and measures taken by the ILOA are governed by strict compliance with the law.
(2) Neutrality - ILOA is not influenced by political, economic or social interests.
(3) Proportionality - ILOA interventions are appropriate to the nature and gravity of the situation addressed.
(4) Transparency - The institution undertakes the obligation to report regularly to the IPG and to inform residents without compromising operational security.
Chapter II - Organizational Structure
Article 4. (Functional departments)
The ILOA is structured into the following departments:
(1) Department of Internal Investigation (DII): responsible for investigating misconduct within state institutions, including IPC, IEA and Kerion Bank, and preventing institutional corruption.
(2) Department of Social Security (DSS): Monitors law and order among residents and intervenes in cases of social conflict or civil offenses.
(3) Department of Special Operations (DOS): Crisis management and rapid intervention in case of threats to general security.
(4) Department of Surveillance and Intelligence (DSI): Collects, analyzes and interprets data relevant to threat prevention.
(5) Department of Technological Security (DST): Ensures the protection of the ship's critical information systems and networks.
Article 5. (Functions and Responsibilities)
(1) Each department is headed by a Director appointed by order of the IPC Executive Council.
(2) Each department shall operate on the basis of its own regulations harmonized with the general rules of the ILOA.
(3) The structure and staffing of each department shall be adapted to the specific nature of its mission.
Chapter III - Rights and obligations
Article 6. (Operational rights)
(1) The ILOA shall have the right of access to all relevant information resources, irrespective of the institution or department from which it originates.
(2) It shall have the authority to issue binding operational orders to all entities under the IPC's jurisdiction.
(3) May order preventive measures, including monitoring and temporary detention, to protect general security.
Article 7. (Institutional obligations)
(1) Maintain a high standard of professionalism and integrity in all its actions.
(2) To ensure the fundamental rights of all residents by the Helios Order Constitution.
(3) To prevent abuse or discrimination in the law enforcement process.
Chapter IV - Sanctions and Disciplinary Measures
Article 8. (Sanctioning ILOA members)
(1) ILOA members who violate the rules or commit abuses are investigated by the DII.
(2) Applicable sanctions include:
(a) Formal warning.
b) Temporary suspension.
c) Removal from position and referral of the case to the judicial authorities.
Article 9. (Disciplinary procedure)
(1) Any misconduct complaint of an ILOA member shall be preliminarily examined by an independent committee within the DII.
(2) Disciplinary decisions are validated by the ILOA Ethics Board.
Chapter V - Inter-institutional collaboration
Article 10. (Internal and external partnerships)
(1) The ILOA collaborates with IPC, IEA and Kerion Bank to ensure security and risk prevention.
(2) Collaboration with external entities, such as intergalactic security organizations, shall be based on agreements approved by the IPG Executive Council.
Article 11. (Exchange of information)
(1) The ILOA has the right and the obligation to exchange relevant data and information with its partners, respecting confidentiality and security rules.
(2) All exchanges of information are subject to regular audit.
This regulation represents the regulatory and operational framework of the ILOA institution and is periodically reviewed by the IPC to adapt to the developments and security needs of the Ilarion spacecraft.
2.How the ILOA organization operates - Pillar strategies proposed to all state accredited local organizations
PART 1: Information Systems Risk Management
Information security is concerned with protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, unauthorized use, disclosure, interruption, unauthorized modification, or destruction. At the same time, information security can be achieved through the implementation of an appropriate set of policies, practices, procedures, organizational structures, functions, software applications and technical equipment that together ensure that the objectives of information protection are achieved. This area of security is of main interest to us within the ILOA activity on the ilw.ilaweb server, running on the operational theme T0. Next, we are interested to see which security management approach strategy will be specifically used by the ILOA informational department.
Before starting, it is important to prioritize risk reduction in order to implicitly reduce the vulnerability of the information system. Thus, each possible threat source in the Ilarion settlement perimeter will go through a logical risk assessment scheme attached above.
PART 2: Lines of defense in Ilarion organizations and compliance assurance
This paragraph is a general structural overview recommended for all Ilarion settlement organizations and enterprises accredited by the state and whose functioning is crucial in the composition of the formed alien state.
An appropriate definition of risk is represented by the phrase "the effect of uncertainty on objectives". In the same vein, any organization pursues value creation, and its activities are carried out in the presence of risks of any kind. Thus, the management model of the organization is chosen to create value under the conditions of risk appetite, with certain budgeted expenses.
The rationale for using the model of clearly defined lines of defense within the organization is that without them, there may be confusions in responding to incidents, there may be discrepancies and inadvertencies in risk management, non-compliance with applicable legislation and legal regulations (from the official ILA monitor), redundant levels of control, all of which diminish the performance of the organization and increase the likelihood of financial losses. In the following lines we will present each line of defense and what is specific to it from the perspective of cyber risk management and then from that of personal data protection.
The first line of defense: Operational Management - The first responsibility in risk management lies with the operational departments of the organization because this is where most of the risks are generated (Information Technology, Operations, Marketing, etc.). They are in charge of the day-to-day activities and also of controlling the risks arising from them.
Second Line of Defense: Compliance and Risk Management Function - The Divisions/Departments that are usually part of the second line of defense are Compliance, Operational Risk Management (ORM), Security (in general), Information Risk Management (IRM), Legal, Financial Control. These divisions are responsible for the oversight and monitoring of risk management issues throughout the organization.
Third Line of Defense: Internal Audit- The internal audit function is the third line of defense (which is also the last "redoubt" within the organization). Sometimes the concept of the organization's management committee (e.g. executive committee) is also used, which is also in the third line, together with internal audit.
Lines of Defense for Personal Data Protection (Where Applicable)
The personal data processing flows intersect with the organization's activities, and a single processing flow may involve one or more departments. Beyond the above, the organization of individuals involved in personal data protection can be structured to encompass the first and second lines of defense, with the third line, related to auditing, complementing the activities of the first two lines. The organization may thus consist of three departments: -
Data Protection Governance Division
This division analyzes the direction to be followed by internal data protection policies, taking into account legislative changes and interpretations in the field. -
Operational Division
This division conducts risk analyses, submits the results of the risk analyses to the organization's management for risk acceptance or implementation of measures, and recommends actions and controls to be implemented for each project. -
Implementation Division
This division verifies the implementation of measures and controls mentioned by the operational division.
PART 3: Ensuring Compliance
The key role of compliance management is the compliance function. The compliance function is an auxiliary role for management and is responsible for:
Identifying compliance obligations with the help of relevant resources/roles and translating these obligations into policies, processes, and procedures usable by the organization.
Integrating compliance obligations into existing policies, processes, and procedures.
Providing specialized training to organizational roles, ensuring that all relevant organizational roles receive regular training to maintain compliance.
To allocate this function, we must ensure that the designated person:
Does not have a conflict of interest.
Demonstrates integrity and commitment to compliance management.
Has effective communication skills and influence capabilities.
Possesses relevant competencies for the role.
Has the ability to coordinate teams or working groups.
A detailed diagram of these lines of defense is outlined below:
PART 4: Human Factor Management
More than specialized infrastructure or a system of policies and procedures, today, people can represent either the most effective information protection or the weakest link in an organization. If an incident occurs and the organization is exposed to significant risk, continuity and damage limitation plans will be applied with maximum efficiency. Below are some key components:
Awareness is one of the most critical elements in risk prevention. Experience shows that, regardless of the field of activity, prevention is easier than remedying issues. -
Communication Programs
Communication is crucial in risk management. We communicate to inform, we inform to raise awareness of risks, and we learn how to address them when they arise. Regardless of the communication channels used, the most important aspects of communication are timing, the significance of the information conveyed, and especially the amount of information shared with the audience. -
One of the most important organizational aspects is ensuring that each asset, including information, is identified and has an owner responsible for its management. Collective responsibility is built on individual responsibilities, which can formally be assigned through the role of an asset owner.
PART 5: Proposed Strategies Against Unknown Events or High Uncertainty (Resilience)
An imperative necessity for any organization is the ability to maintain vitality regardless of events in the business environment. In the presence of unknown events or those with high uncertainty, the organization's resilience can be strengthened through a transformation process with the following generic stages:
Defining resilience as a strategic objective of the organization.
Risk analysis.
Defining the context and requirements for resilience.
Developing a transformation plan.
Review and adjustment.

Bibliography: "Managementul riscului. Protectia datelor personale si securitatea informatiei in cadrul organizatiei, ghid practic" by Th. O. Adam, Ed. Evrika Publishing